If u wanna see your own joke, anecdote or a true-life-fun story...

If u wanna see your own joke, anecdote or a true-life-fun story - just send me an e-mail - muscomaxbuilding[@]gmail.com and I'll published it. I have also more interesting ideas, but for them - later on. Have a nice day, nJoy and don't forget to visit my blog everyday, because he can makes you smile ! :]

20 October 2007


-What is the different between the condom and the parachute?
-When the parachute became tear - one man less. But when the condom became tear - one man more.
One man wanted to become a famous writer. When his friends asked him what does he mean by 'famous writer' he answered
-I want my works to be read by many people, and when they read them to become so exited so they would scream and cry !
And this man has achieved his dream. Now he is working for Microsoft, writng error messages...
-Captain, there is a split on shipboard!
-How do you know?
-There is a shark into the pool.